"God has been so faithful to me, even when I wasn't faithful to Him"

Looking back, it is incredible to see God's hands on my life. The list of ways He's guided and provided for me is endless. God has truly shown His strength through many obstacles and trials. A few years ago, going into college, I didn't have a relationship Christ. I followed the idea of "religion" and was living solely for myself. Growing up in a broken family with a very hard and abusive home-life was tough and I was constantly looking for ways out, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Through this broken background God was inviting me to take refuge in Him, inviting me to follow him. I failed to listen and found my escape in worldly things rather than Christ. Then one day about two years ago, I got into a serious car accident that should have taken my life. But instead I walked away without a scratch. Despite my decisions against Him, God was persistent and still showed His grace and love for me. After failing to see all the signs and invitations, God finally threw something my way that got my attention. After the accident, still in shock that I was alive, I couldn't help but wonder why, but also thanking God for giving me another chance at life despite my actions. I knew that from this moment on, I had to and was going to live my life differently. I chose to live for Christ, to find refuge in Him, to pursue Him, and to call on Him whenever with whatever. The path has been challenging, and each day has been a process, but also another opportunity to live out His will for me. Over time He has healed my hurts and taught me patience, trust, and unconditional love. He has shined light on the darkest areas of my past and continues to light the way for my future. I honestly don't know where I would be if it weren't for Jesus. With great obstacles come great strength from above. He blesses me day in and day out. God has been so faithful to me, even when I wasn't faithful to Him, and through these hard times has revealed how great of a God he is.

Tori Conner